Friday, January 7, 2011


Landing in Denver during their first snow storm of the season was a mild adventure. My mind initially thought of crazy scenarios of landing sideways on two wheels, spinning into snowbanks and leaping onto an inflatable carnival style slide to safety. When it came down to it, the mandatory cab ride from the airport to my sisters had my attention more than the routine landing. Blowing snow brought low visibility and icy roads made for an icy windshield. My driver handled the sliding & swooshing with humor and poise. When I asked his name he said "it's easy... B...Z...that's easy...BZ!"
 Patches of clouds broke way to expose the city lights after dropping through levels of the atmosphere that weren't so pleasant. It was images like this that calmed my over active imagination while delivering a small splash of disappointment realizing I wouldn't have the exhilarating experience of safely whooshing down that inflatable slide.
The next day we were off to Breckenridge for the weekend with big plans for indulging in winter activities.
 ...but -16 degree temps took my breathe away.
 I could only vicariously enjoy the winter sports... literally my breathe was unable to function normally thus limiting my activity, it was a first. I still found joy in snapping photos of the incredible vistas. I would of rather been on cross country skies deep in the forest capturing white floppy eared bunnies scampering for food in the soft powdery snow. Does that even really exist or am I extending my dangerous plane landing imagination into the mountains?
 a few days later...back to Denver where the skies were peculiar and my breath returned to normal. I enjoyed a long walk with my sister around Wash Park.
I found it odd that some of the broad leaf trees wouldn't give up their leaves for the season. It was as if they were shivering from the cold in a coat that was too thin. The sound was like a very tall rain stick only to stop when the wind subsided. (well that would make sense wouldn't it?!)
 Hockey with one chic! She held her own. Either that or the guys were afraid of getting whacked by her stick.
It's always nice to get away and it's always comforting to return home. I'm quite content in the Pacific Northwest and thankful I have my camera to help share my story. This [CLICK ME] would of been something to see if there were more time in a day. There is a local Breckenridge gal who makes the most splendid things [CLICK ME TOO].