Monday, October 12, 2009

My Mermaid R O C K S!!!

Who doesn't love a good mermaid?! I LOVE the process these mixed media projects take from concept to completion. Grabbing a color pallet and winging it begins the first phase. The art takes on it's own form and leads you along. If you think you messed up, keep going and what transforms is amazing. I had absolutely no idea this was to turn out as it did and a mermaid...who knew???. I seem to fancy sewing on a button here or there. Buttons of which were purchased at a local antique store (that has been "going out of business" since before I moved here six years ago - I'm glad it hasn't) in an old jelly jar for $3.00. If those buttons could talk I'm sure they would say some pretty interesting things about the lives & situations they have been privy to. Mmmmm...finding something that makes you content, excited & bursting with joy is definitely a thing you'd like to keep around. To have something to look forward to without expectations isn't always the natural path to allow. Our thoughts seem to get in the way in most cases. We're all right where we're supposed to be, I've read, been told & believe. I like this place I have landed for now. Click it for a closer look.