Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Book of Dawn

When my grandmother died,
I received this...

The Book of Dawn

(I'd totally wear that red tank top and head band again)

My Mom & Me

She was 20 years old.
So very very young.
But that's the way she did it.

Poser @ Three

The friend in blue...
I have no idea.

(I'd totally wear those orange shoes again)

NOT My 24 Year Old Father's Best Moment

 Avocado green, metal kitchen. 
A Christmas gift from Santa.
I learned later that my father 
had a shit-storm of a time assembling it 
and let the F-bombs fly as he 
chucked hand tools across the room. 

But he stuck with it and apparently I loved it.
Thanks Dad.

(I'd totally wear that outfit again, with different shoes)

Bouffant on a Four Year Old on a Pedestal Glass End Table

My grandmother did things like...
dress me up and make me stand on unstable
furniture while she conducted a self-titled 
professional photo shoot
She "dolled me up" in new outfits she had bought me
and set my hair in curlers
to make it large...

light pink and white, 
pokey plastic 

There was no need for bobby pins 
to hold the curlers in my hair...
they stuck like velcro all on their own.

(I WOULD NOT wear that outfit again, 
well...maybe just the purse...
and the blue/gray dress w/o the goofy white shirt)

Got Me a New B-Day Coat

 Psst...homemade B-day cake!

(I'd totally wear that coat now, and those tights)

Awesome Bikini Lamp and a Contrapposto Pose

Apparently my grandmother's favorite 
year as my personal photographer.

(and YES! I'd totally wear that bikini again)

(far right...a slice of
red fancy-chair complete 
w/protective clear plastic FITTED cover, 
a staple on all furniture in the living room,
skin sticky unpleasant)

My Left Eye Still Does That

Second grade school pic.
Homemade outfit by mom.
Missing a tooth.
Cute hair with chunky yarn adornments.

(No I wouldn't wear that outfit again...
but the sassy wave in the long hair...

The Great Visit to the Great Great Aunts

My grandmother's aunts had very nice things.
They lived together their entire lives and never married as far as I know.
It was imperative that when I visited them with my grandmother
in their Chicago apartment that was
decorated with Ethan Allen in a Décor français...

my hair was done, 
my outfits be well assembled
and my etiquette be spot on.

(hot pink knee socks and matching headband 
scored big points with the Great Great Aunts)

I'm on A Boat I
reflect on these moments
that played a part in how I turned out to be...

I am my own photographer...

doing my own photo shoots...

all "dolled up" in my own way.

But I make no promises
as far as my etiquette is concerned.

(I'd totally wear those tights again)