Monday, December 28, 2009

I have no idea but...I do know this...

My Bee Girl painting is still alive. Not finished but alive just the same. This has turned into my "go to" piece. I spend a small amount of time with it then move on to something else. It's always waiting for me when I need it. It has gone through a developmental art phase right along side of me. I have no idea how it will look when I finally decided to call it quits but have grandioso ideas of where it could go. I've even had flinting ideas of branching it into a childrens book. Currently it's not even close. I do know this...when I stop posting in this blog I fall away from the creative mode I intended to keep rolling by making this blog in the first place. Subconscious or not it-is-what-it-is. Here's a little something I've been listening to lately while cocooning. [CLICK HERE] and [HERE]