Saturday, October 11, 2014

It Ended w/a Panel

Today I made this...
a masonite 3ft. x 4ft. panel
for encaustic wax & ink

but before that...

last Sunday
I took my friend on a stick
[long story]
kayaking on the Columbia...

two days later...
went kayaking
beneath the full blood moon...

and took some photos
drawing with the moonlight...

two days after...
I bought a sailboat...
[that deserves a name]

the next day...
I added some fabric bunting
to construction site
welding walls
for an event for work...
[a duct tape and staple gun extravaganza]

[did a little yoga too]

after the event and
a night on the boat...

I headed home
grabbed some power tools...

cut some wood...

made said panel...

stared at it 
while the sunset,
as I mentally prepared 
for tomorrow.
amazing work well documented...